The Consecutive Constructive theory of Buddhism Arts and Ancient Mirrors

Yagihashi Tsukasa (Jabrec-Art-Music) 2010

The explanation to the constructive theory of buddhism sculptures that the early Mathura school shows,
the progressive step in the Gupta mathura school and Asuka sculptures Japan and Vajrayana Mandala Tibet. The origin of this theory is found in wide Eurasia area before Mahayana.

Unit Constraction

Sitting Buddha Early Mathura-school
(mathura-A1/ 1-2th India)

2010-02-aug update

PDF/ Sitting Buddha (pentagram)

jpg(high)/ Sitting Buddha (pentagram)


PDF/ Sitting Buddha (elemental unit)            PDF/ Sitting Buddha (2step elemental units)          PDF/ Sitting Buddha (3step elemental units)
jpg(high)/ Sitting Buddha (elemental unit)          jpg(high)/ Sitting Buddha (2step elemental units)         jpg(high)/ Sitting Buddha (3step elemental units)

Relation of a halo in the integral figure
Position of a pentagram in the circle construction

8radial-2vertical connection overlap

2010 sep-2 update


jpg(high)/ sculpture in full matrix (11M)  jpg(high)/ view of the sculpture part (10M)

8radial-2vertical full-connection overlap


jpg(high)/ sculpture in full matrix (11MB)   jpg(high)/matrix   jpg(high)/ view of thesculpture part


Important concern
jpg(high)/ Horyuji picture of Amitaabha (multiple-matrix asuka-age 7th-century Japan)

The shape of flower

PDF/ 3step elemental unit

Explanation of the system of matrix
(1) Elemental unit  (2) 3step-reducing -join  (3) Vertical connection  (4) Radial connection  (5) Integrated method

Concept of 3step-unit


PDF/ Concept of 3step-unit

24radial-matrix  24radial-matrix (closeup)  jpg(high)/ [16radial-2vertical]x8radial

Sitting Buddha Sarnath-school in Gupta-age

PDF/ sarnath sitting buddha (3step-1unit)

Vertical Connection on Sculptures

Standing Buddha Mathura-school in Gupta-age
excavated in Jamalpur (mathura-A5/ 5th India)

2010-11-aug update


PDF/ Jamalpur Buddha (3step vertical 4units)  jpg (high)/ Jamalpur Buddha (3step vertical 4units)  PDF/ Scale (3step 4vertical connection)

Matrix of 8radial-connection
2010-16-aug up


PDF/ Jamalpur buddha 8-radial 2vertical connection
jpg(high)/ Jamalpur buddha 8-radial 2vertical connection
PDF/ Scale(8radial-2vertical connectipn)

Halo construction
PDF/ Halo (radial-8)  jpg(high)/ Halo (radial-8)  PDF/ Halo divided half scale (radial-8)  jpg(high)/ Halodivided half scale (radial-8)

Method of Halo Construction (jpg-high) No1 No2 No3 witjh 16radial-matrix with 16radial-matrix (div) 16radial-matrix

General explanation
Explanation of the halo with 16-radial matrix

Kuze-Avalokitesvara Horyuji-Yumedono

3step 6vertical connection

2010-23-aug update


PDF/ Kuze-Avalokitesvara (3step vertical 6units connection)
jpeg(high)/ Kuze-Avalokitesvara (3step vertical 6units connection)
 PDF/ Scale (3step vertical 5units connect)

8radial 3vertical connection
2010-17-aug up


jpg(high)/ Kuze-Avalokitesvara (8radial 3vertical connection)-line-0.04
jpg(high)/ Kuze-Avalokitesvara (8radial 3vertical connection) line-0.07
PDF/ Scale(8radial-3vertical connection)

Halo constraction


 PDF/ Halo construction  PDF/ Halo (radial 8units connect)  PDF/ Halo divided half scale (radial-8)

Explanation (now on adjustment)

Sitting Buddha Horyuji
2010-12-aug update


PDF/ horyuji buddha halo-overlap (3step verticsal-4)  PDF/ horyuji-buddha body-overlap (3step vertical-4)
jpg(high)/ horyuji-buddha halo-overlap (3step vertical-4)  jpg(high)/ horyuji-buddha body-overlap (3step vertical-4)

Matrix of 8radial-connection

2010-15-aug up


PDF/ horyuji-buddha 8radial-2vertical conection
jpg (hgh)/ horyuji-buddha 8radial-2vertical connection
PDF/ matrix (2jointing 8-radial units)
method of connection No1 No2

Newest analyze
Matrix of 8radial-2vertical full-connection

2010-06-sept up

jpg(high)/ 8radial-2vertical full-connection overlap
jpg(high)/ comparison of 2-Boddhisattva

Halo Construction


  PDF/ halo construction (3step-1unit)  PDF/ halo construction (radial 8units connect)  PDF/ halo divided half scale (radial 8)

jpg(high)/ Halo Construction 8radial-2vertical full-connection
jpg(high)/ Halo Constriction 8radial-2vertical full-conection Buddha-area marking

jpg(high)/ halo construction (radial 16units connect)
jpg(high)/ halo divided half scale (radial 16units connect)
jpg(high)/ halo divided half scale (radial 16units connect/ close-up)
jpg(high)/ [16radial-2vertical]x8radial line-yellow exam-1
jpg-high/ correspondence of gupta asuka


Sitting Bodhisattva Chuguji


PDF/ Halo ovelap (3step vertical-6)    PDF/ Body overlap (3step vertical-6)
jpg (high) Halo overlap (3step vertical-6)     jpg (high) Halo overlap (3step vertical-6)  

Todaiji amogha-paaza


jpg(high)/ 8radial 8vertical full-construction      jpg(high)/ 8radial 8vertical full /Halo head position

jpg(high)/ halo-construction (3step-1unit)
jpg(high)/ amogha-paaza-halo and horyuji-buddha-halo divided

Method of vertical connection

PDF/The method of vertucal connection

Radial Connection

Triangle edge mirror with 3buddha and 3animals
discovery from Shinyama ancient tomb


PDF/ (3step-1unit)                   PDF/ (radial 6units connect)

Ancient Chinese Mirror in Han-age


PDF/ (3step-1unit)                       PDF/ (radial 6units connect)

Ancient Chinese Mirror in Han-age


PDF/ (3step-1unit)                     PDF/ (radial 4units connect)

Ancient Chinese Mirror in Han-age


PDF/ (radial 8units connect)                   PDF/ divided half scale (radial 8)

Flower Back Mirror of Pearl Inlay in Nara-age(Japan) 8th

PDF/ (radial 6 units connect)

Celtic Disk

PDF/ (3step-1unit)

Celtic Disk 2

high-jpg/ celtic disk 2  high-jpg/ celtic disk 2 (closeup)
high-jpg/ matrix-18raidial  high-jpg/ matrix-18raidial (closeup)

Celtic Disk of Metropolitan Museum


jpg(high) / (3step-1unit)
jpg(high)/Metropolitan Celtic-disk and Chinese mirror in Han-age)
jpg(high)/Metropolitan Celtic-disk and Chinese mirror in Han-age /with no matrix)


Ras-shamra disk (Syria BC14^13th)


jpr(high)/ras-shamra-disk BC13th in matrix jpg(high)/closeup of disk matrix status     jpg(high)/ras-shamra-disk BC14th in matrix jpg(high)/closeup of disk matrix status

Explanation (now on adjustment)


Hevajra Mandala in Tibet 14th


PDF/ (radial 4units connect)                 PDF/ Scale (radial 4units connect)


PDF/ (radial 8units connect)                  PDF/ Scale (radial 8units connect)

PDF/overlap divided half scale

Nairtma Mandala in Tibet 13th


PDF/(radial 4units)  PDF/(radial 8units)               PDF/overlap divided half scale

Nairtma Mandala in Tibet 16th


PDF/(radial 4units)  PDF/(radial 8units)     PDF/overlap divided half scale (radial 4) PDF/overlap divided half scale (radial 8)

Hevajra Mandala in Tibet 13th (Rubin Museum)

This is the finded newest rational position of overlap with the matrix.
(2010-dec-18 up)

jpg(high)/ (4step radial 8units)  jpg(high)/ (4step radial 8units picture area)

Next inspection is old step to replace soon.


PSF/(radial 4units)    PDF/(radial 8units)    PDF/(overlap divided half scale

Cakrasamvara Mandala in Nepal 19th (Rubin Museum)


PDF/(radial 8units)                          PDF/(overlap divided half scale)

Method of radial connection


PDF/ 6units                          PDF/ 8units

According System in different ages


PDF/ Triangle-edge-mirror(japan) and horyuji-buddha-halo           PDF/celtic-disk and horyuji-buddha-halo


PDF/Ancient-mirror Han-age(china) and horyuji-buddha-halo
      PDF/Hevajra-Mandala Tibet-14th and horyuji-buddha-halo

PDF/Ancient-mirror Han-age(china) and horyuji-buddha-halo

Investigation of Early Mathura Buddhism Sculpture

Investigation by Yagihashi Tsukasa 2010 Japan

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